



年: 第三

主要: 心理学

参与: 财务主管, Black Student Union (BSU); governmental chair, Student Government Association (SGA); student-worker, 总理的套件

白兰地酒: What was your deciding factor in coming to 宾州州立大学白兰地酒?

哈姆: I chose 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 because it’s close to home. 也, 当我来到这里, I noticed it was very diverse and was a very close-knit community, 这就是我在大学里想要的. I wanted to be able to see people I knew when I walked around campus and didn’t want to be just a number.


哈姆: I took a psychology class in high school, and it was very intriguing. I wasn’t too sure what I wanted to pursue as my major in college, but I knew I wanted it to be centered around how the brain works and functions.

白兰地酒: What challenges have you faced at 白兰地酒, if any?

哈姆: One challenge I faced at 白兰地酒 was holding myself accountable when it comes to keeping up with my work and striving to do my best. 我知道我可以溜过去, 但我想尽力做到最好, so trying to keep up with that mentality has been a little difficult. 也, as a third-year student, figuring out what comes after college has been weighing on me. I’ve been reaching out to different organizations to figure out what I want to do and where I want to go after I graduate.

白兰地酒: Who at 白兰地酒 has supported you, and how?

哈姆: 我的整个朋友圈都支持我. We all have very high standards for ourselves, so we hold each other accountable. It’s really great to have a group that keeps me motivated when there can be so many obstacles in college. 他们是一个很好的支持系统.

白兰地酒: What made you interested in joining SGA? 你最喜欢的是什么?

哈姆: I joined SGA because I thought it would be a good opportunity to advocate for myself and other students who look like me. It’s an overall great opportunity to gain leadership skills and network with people. I really enjoy doing great things for the campus; it’s very rewarding.

白兰地酒: What made you interested in joining BSU? 你最喜欢的是什么?

哈姆: I joined BSU because I wanted to find a community that looked like me, and I felt like it would be a great place to connect with people and support each other. 我真的很喜欢波士顿州立大学的活动, 特别是我们的黑桌会谈, because they allow us to sit in a safe space where we can have conversations with each other, 即使他们不舒服.

白兰地酒: What advice do you have for students who are looking to get involved?

哈姆: If you want to get involved, my advice is to just do it. 我知道这听起来很老套, but if you see something you’re interested in, the people who are running the club or event are going to be so nice. It’s going to be a great opportunity, and it’s going to look great on your resume. Don’t get in your head about it; just 大胆尝试吧.

I’m able to be around a lot more people and engage in so many opportunities because of my involvement.

—Khaleelah哈姆 , third-year psychology major, 宾州州立大学白兰地酒

白兰地酒: With your involvement at 白兰地酒, how has your time on campus been impacted?

哈姆: 我肯定会更享受自己的时间. I’m able to be around a lot more people and engage in so many opportunities because of my involvement. I feel so much more fulfilled interacting with others on campus than I did when I was sitting in my room my first year.

白兰地酒: What’s your favorite memory you’ve made at 白兰地酒?

哈姆: I really enjoyed BSU’s Afro-Beats event last semester. It was really fun; the music was great, and the food was so good. Everyone had a great time, and it was awesome to see our first event like this go well.

白兰地酒: What has been the most valuable lesson you’ve learned at 白兰地酒?

哈姆: I would say the most valuable lesson I’ve learned is similar to what I said before: if you want to get involved, 大胆尝试吧. There’s so much to do on campus, and you’ll find something you’ll enjoy. You just have to put yourself out there and 大胆尝试吧. I know in more recent years with the pandemic it’s been more difficult to interact with people and put yourself out there, 但是人们想要那种人与人之间的联系. 不要害怕,大胆去做吧.