

肖恩岁, 2003届校友, has established the 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 领导 and Legacy Excellence Program Fund.


媒体,爸爸. ——肖恩·曼德森 , 2003年bck体育官网校友, 在bck体育官网有领导和卓越的远见吗. The 白兰地酒 Advisory Board member and former 白兰地酒 校友 Society Board president has committed $30,000 to establish the 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 领导 and Legacy Excellence Program Fund.

曼德森与白兰地酒公司董事长玛丽莲. Wells and leveraged his employer’s matching-gift program to bring his vision to fruition. The 领导 and Legacy Excellence Program Fund will create new initiatives on the campus to advance leadership and excellence for students, 教职员工. 立即将这份礼物付诸行动, the campus will be taking initial steps in 2022-23 to establish a chapter of the 全国领导与成功学会. 另外, the campus will be sponsoring one faculty and one staff member to the prestigious Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP), administered in 宾西法尼亚 by the Educational Policy 领导 Center in Harrisburg.

“我希望学生们在生活中非常成功, 这要从我们开始, 作为校友, 帮助创造这些条件.”


“Shawn is a long-standing and dedicated member of the 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 campus community and is passionate about the student experience we offer to each of our students and to developing their leadership acumen. His gift will enable us to bring new national- and state-level opportunities to our students and to the world-class 教职员工 who lead and support their success,威尔斯说. “肖恩的礼物也符合我们的新战略计划, 支持学业和职业成功, 联系和归属, 公平与包容, 以及职业成就感.”

Manderson began his Penn State journey in 1999 at Penn State Hazleton and then transitioned to 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 after two years, strategically deciding to pursue the then-new information sciences and technology degree at the Commonwealth Campus-level to feel more connected to faculty and the program. Manderson graduated in 2003 and began his successful career that has spanned 20 years in IT consulting, IT审计和风险管理. He moved to ADP seven years ago to take advantage of leadership and growth opportunities and was quickly promoted from manager to director to senior director of global SOC reporting compliance. 他目前是ADP的企业风险管理副总裁.

“我们的学生, 教职员工 will benefit from having the ability to have their leadership/decision-making process enhanced,曼德森说. “You will have to make decisions in ambiguous situations; you’re never going to have all of the information, 你必须运用你的基础知识.”

曼德森补充说,他的灵感来自他自己的bck体育官网白兰地酒导师, 他还会定期联系她,与她交谈并获得专业建议.

“这些人很在乎,”他说. “因为他们关心我们的学生, 我们的校友和我们的大学, 我们应该继续支持他们. We need to invest in our 教职员工 in order to continue to deliver quality learning for our students, 同时也给他们提供工具来加强和丰富他们的学术经验.”

“Shawn is a long-standing and dedicated member of the 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 campus community and is passionate about the student experience we offer to each of our students and to developing their leadership acumen.”

玛丽莲·J. 威尔斯,bck体育官网院长

教师 and staff EPFP fellows will be invited to work with a cohort of peers across 宾西法尼亚 to promote equitable education policy. 在这个过程中, 他们将与国家领导人和嘉宾在教育领域进行互动, 人类服务, 政府, 商业及社区组织. The fellowship will be for one year and includes opportunities to travel to Washington and Harrisburg for “Day in the Capital” sessions. 2022-23年EPFP会议将于9月9日开始. 今年5月,该论坛将由面对面的论坛和虚拟聚会组成.

白兰地酒的首届EPFP参与者将是克里斯汀·布朗(Christine Brown), 白兰地酒学习中心的协调员, 和Brad Kovaleski, 学生事务主任.

曼德森相信一个天才, well-balanced 教职员工 are key to building a stronger campus and a more diverse, 完善的校友网络.

“It is important for 教职员工 to leave a good legacy and make sure they’re constantly being challenged to develop beyond their level,他说.

该项目基金还将通过将学生与导师联系起来,鼓励优秀的学生, 思想领袖和职业发展机会. The NSLS is the nation’s largest leadership honor society, with more than 700 chapters. Students inducted into 宾州州立大学白兰地酒’s chapter will receive help identifying career goals and developing leadership and networking skills, 他们将获得独家奖学金. 到2022年秋季学期, 白兰地酒 faculty and/or staff members will be in place to guide the students as advisers and help establish a student governing body within the chapter.

白兰地酒在NSLS的参与者将是Andy Landmesser, bck体育官网科学与技术助理教学教授, 贾斯敏·普莱斯·桑顿, 住宿生活协调员.

曼德森说:“我们的学生将受益于他们的声音被放大. “我们倾向于认可最有发言权的学生, 因为他们是校园里参与度最高的, 但你可能有很多学生只是安静的旁观者. 他们可能需要一些东西来帮助他们走出他们的壳. 当我还是bck体育官网黑兹顿分校的一年级学生时,我就是那个学生, 看着那些走在前面的学生. 只需要一个人来承认他们.”

他计划继续与Wells和白兰地酒的开发总监合作, student affairs and academic affairs to ensure the fund remains relevant to 宾州州立大学白兰地酒’s vision to be a leader in student success and campus goals for growth, 公平和可见性.

“We are fortunate that Shawn has been an engaged 白兰地酒 alumnus for so many years,威尔斯说. 他在毕业10年后加入了董事会, and we have championed his successes as he has developed into a leader in his field and an advocate for our campus. 这笔基金是他五年来的第二笔主要捐赠, and he consistently demonstrates his commitment to the success of 白兰地酒 students.”

曼德森于2014年加入白兰地酒顾问委员会, 此前,他在白兰地酒校友会董事会担任了7年主席. 另外, Manderson served on the Penn State 校友 Association’s 校友 Council for 13 years. 感谢他多年来对校园和大学的服务, 它的学生和校友, Manderson received 白兰地酒’s Young 校友 Lion’s Heart Award in 2018 and 校友 Council's Outstanding Council Member of the Year in 2020.

“我希望学生们在生活中非常成功, 这要从我们开始, 作为校友, 帮助创造这些条件,曼德森指出. 在bck体育官网, we have this affinity for giving back and supporting the broader Penn State ecosystem. 我想确保我们的学生继续加强bck体育官网的品牌. 我们需要不断地再投资,再投资才能让事情变得更好.”

"缔造21世纪卓越的大宾州"取得了破纪录的成功,,筹集了2美元.从2016年到2022年的20亿美元, 慈善事业有助于维持大学的教育传统, 研究和服务社区在英联邦和全球各地. 奖学金 enable our institution to open doors and welcome students from every background, support for transformative experiences allows our students and faculty to fulfill their vast potential for leadership, and gifts toward discovery and excellence help us to serve and impact the world we share. 要了解更多关于给予的影响和对支持的持续需求,请访问 提高.事业单位.edu.