Exploratory Courses

Introductory and Exploratory Courses

The following courses are offered at Brandywine, typically once or twice a year. These courses are an excellent way for students who are exploring majors to discern whether to pursue a particular major.

Courses ending in “S” or beginning with PSU are typically 1-credit first-year seminar courses, most often offered in the fall semester with some exceptions. Most other courses listed will apply to any major as a General Education course.

Learn how to view course description, schedule and details via LionPATH. 

Business / Project & Supply Chain Management

  • BA 100*
  • ECON 102
  • PSU 8*

Biology / Science / Medical or Health Fields

  • BIOL 110*
  • BI SC 4
  • PSU 16
  • SC 120N


  • CAS 101N
  • COMM 1
  • COMM 100N


  • EARTH 100


  • EDUC 100S


  • EDSGN 100
  • PSU 12

Humanities (American Studies, English, History)

  • AMST 100
  • ENGL 50*
  • HIST 20 / 21

Information Technology (Cyber Security, Information Sciences & Technology)

  • CYBER 100S
  • IST 110
  • IST 111S
  • SRA 111

Social Science (Criminal Justice, Human Development & Family Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology)

  • CRIMJ 100
  • HDFS 129
  • PLSC 1 / 3
  • PSU 8*
  • PSYCH 100
  • SOC 1

*Speak to your advisor about whether this course is appropriate for your schedule based on recommended prerequisites and your goals.